
Caranx melampygus

Bluefin trevallies are reef predators. their intense color with bright blue dots is very recognizable.

The bluefin trevallies are present all year round, in small groups or in schools of several individuals of various sizes. Solitaries are rarer.

It can be encountered at all hours, and like other reef pelagics rather with running current, even strong. Often it swims quickly near the structure to surprise its prey.

The bluefin trevallies are therefore caught either stalking on the reef or in midwater, or through bomb diving on the fish, like for the GT. Because of its speed, it is not always easy to adjust the shot well but the skin and the skeleton of the fish being resistant, it is rare to tear. This fish is very vigorous but as its size does not exceed 10-12kg it does not present any particular problems.

Unlike their cousin, the GT, the bluefin trevallies are delicious, especially grilled. In the Moluccas, they even say “he eats blue trevally every day” for someone who is financially at ease.

Together with the spanish mackerel and the gold-spotted trevally, one of the best catches in Indonesia, from 3kg and above.