
Lethrinus erythracanthus

The orange spotted emperor is an occasional host of reefs and sandy areas, usually isolated, and one of the largest representatives of the emperor family, with Lethrinus olivaceus and Lethrinus nebulosus.

It is easily recognizable by his stocky shape, its big dark head with the eye positioned pretty high, and most of all its orange fins, distinguishing it clearly from the giant sweetlip which it resembles. It is a very beautiful fish.

Personally I have seen it a handful of times in Indonesia, In Komodo National park and in Maluku, where I cught a nice 6kg specimen. One of he photographs comes from Romain Mosconi who captured a beautiful fish in the Comores archipelago in 2015.

The orange spotted emperor is like its congeners deemed delicious and is logically a coveted prey. A delicious catch.