Istiophorus platypterus
April 11, 2019
The sailfish is a circumtropical pelagic. In Indonesia, we encounter the Pacific population, which grows more than the Atlantic variety.
It is a beautiful billfish that swims in schools and can sometimes be seen in large groups travelling in search of prey, or attacking a bait ball.
It is easily distinguished from the marlin by its immense sail. When swimming, the sail is often folded. It cannot be confused with the black, blue or striped marlin which are more massive, but could be confused with the spearfish.
It can be found near the reefs, rather in deep waters over 40m. It comes willingly to flash.
The sailfish is ideally shot with a blue water rig but its firm flesh and thick skin prevent it from easily tearing off so normal shafts can be used with a better success rate than on the wahoo.
It is perhaps the fastest of all fish. But after one or two very powerful rushes, the sailfish weakens quickly, especially if it was shot in the middle of the body which embarrasses it enormously in its swimming. Be careful with the sharp bill but very few accidents have been reported, especially if basic safety rules are followed.
The sailfish is delicious raw or cooked, and certainly not threatened by spearos, as its encounter is pretty rare.