
Elagatis bipinnulata

The rainbow runner is a frequently encountered gregarious semi-pelagic predator. In rarely fished areas, schools can reach several hundred individuals. In heavily fished areas, the groups are smaller, of the order of a dozen fish.

The rainbow runner is present all year, at any time, but the large specimens are closer to the coast usually from July to October.

Frequently the school is located upstream of the reef and the wall of surgeonfish and fusiliers, and the ideal is to start drifting far from the pinnacle/ reef and locate them from the surface. A discreet dive, possibly followed by a midwater agachon will usually bring it within shooting range,

The rainbow runner is a classical FAD species.

Because of its fast swimming and its slender shape, it is not always easy to adjust well one’s shot and it is necessary to be careful when pulling back the line to avoid tearing. However, when in large schools, it is possible to try to shoot several fishes with one shot. This fish is quite vigorous but because of its weight not exceeding 7-8kg it does not present any particular problems. Be careful, once shot, it can attract sharks.

The rainbow runner is excellent raw, but just correct once cooked. Despite its modest size, it is thus a valuable prey in the absence of trophy fish, it has several times saved me from empty-handed.