
Caranx tille

The Tille trevally is in Indonesia an occasional host of reefs near sandy bottoms.

In Indonesia this trevally is infrequent, but I have observed large schools in southeastern Maluku.

These trevallies are close to the big-eye trevallies and especially the speckled trevallies. It is distinguished from the latter by its yellow tail, its smaller eye and its longer shape, and its rounder head. It has a slight speckling. Out of the water, it is silvery on the back and lighter in the belly, which can be yellow as well as the tip of the dorsal fin, clearly distinguishing it from the brassy trevally, which are darker and intensively gilded.

Tille’s trevally is a very vigorous fish and because of it is always on the move it can be difficult to aim at, but it responds well to agachon and resist well to tearing.

The Tille trevally is acceptable cooked.